The Magnetic Field of The Heart

An article on the magnetic field of the heart versus the magnetic field of the brain and the effect this can have on society.

The longest and most difficult journey many of us within the west have to make is moving from the head to the heart. We put a lot of emphasis on being logical, scientific and following through thoughts and solutions within our brains. Our brains with their knowledge and information are highly prized and rewarded within our society. The rewards can be financial, awards such as the Nobel prizes,  status symbols such as large houses in certain areas or cars, or having a position of authority within an organisation or society such as politicians.

While thought is very important it needs to be considered in relation to our soul and our hearts. We are born as a whole package not as a being composed of different fragmented segments. As the song goes the ‘hip bone is connected to the thigh bone’ etc and the same can be said of us from the metaphysical as well as physical perspective. We are spiritual beings within physical bodies and both the brain and the heart within this context have measurable magnetic fields that radiate out from them. The more one consciously uses or comes from the brain or heart the stronger the magnetic field. Also the more a person comes from both but centers themselves from the heart the more they are aligned with their true nature and soul purpose. It is easier for them to express their authentic self. 

A small example I often give is that one time when a friend offered me her lovely, long haired, luxurious white carpet due to her redecorating and I gratefully accepted her offer. At the time money was tight and my carpet threadbare. I found however that everything involved such as getting a van of the right size was incredibly difficult. I decided to move from considering the difficulties from the head to the heart and when I did I saw her white fluffy pussycat walking across the carpet. As an asthmatic I would have been allergic to the carpet. A simple example that demonstrates how the heart can also give solutions that the head overlooks.

There have been numerous studies done on the effect of coming from the heart and the impact this can have on society. Some of these have been studies into the effect of people meditating in areas at the same time on a regular basis and the effect it has had on crime levels with these areas. Crime drops in relation to the number of people in an area versus the number of people meditating and focusing on peace.

A famous study took place in Washington DC, over four months during the summer of 1993 by John Hagelin which involved a number of people including a sceptical police department to record statistics. Within this study up to 4,000 people practised transcendental meditation on a daily basis. When the number reached 2,500 people there was a significant drop in violent crime recorded i.e rape, murder etc. The researchers thought there would be a 20% reduction based on previous figures from studies but the result was actually 23%. Washington DC had a population of approximately 1.5 million people at the time so the reality was very few people had a significant impact within their community through meditation. There consciousness, especially the electromagnetic field of their hearts radiated out having a calming, relaxing effect within their environment which improved the coherence of those living in Washington DC. Many were new to the practice and their focus was on themselves.

This study was replicated by John Hagelin in the Israel-Lebanon war of the 1980’s. On days where the numbers of people meditating were largest there was a big drop in the level of conflict and violence – up to 80%. This surprised many people as there were only 600 – 800 known people meditating within the experiment, within a highly charged, stressed, fearful population.

Many other studies including within this war took place and they all came up with similar statistics. Measurements of levels of cortisol which rise through stress dropped, increased serotonin levels were recorded and other biochemical and nuero-physiological changes occurred within people who lived near those meditating. It was as if they were also meditating though they were not. More than 60 peer reviewed research experiments have taken place where people have meditated in areas of conflict resulting every time in a reduction in violence and conflict. (1) The implications of this with the goal of world peace are massive and need to be taken seriously within our society.

Traditionally it was considered that it was the brain that communicated information to the heart but recent research now demonstrates that the heart has its own sophisticated brain that allows it to remember, store and process information independently from the brain. This research implies that consciousness occurs from the body, heart and brain acting together and not separately.  Experiments also show that the hearts brain influences the brain’s higher functions like perception, reasoning, intuition and emotional processing. 

The electromagnetic field of the heart is about ‘60 times greater in amplitude than the brain, and permeates every cell in the body. The magnetic component is approximately 5000 times stronger than the brain’s magnetic field and can be detected several feet away from the body with sensitive magnetometers.’ (2)

HeartMath Institute has done a number of studies on how the hearts electromagnetic field of one person can affect the field of others around them. It appears as individuals move towards psycho-physiological coherence they are more affected by the electromagnetic fields of others around them.  As people learn to sustain heartfelt positive feelings like love, gratitude, happiness they start to affect the social fields and coherence of individuals and groups where they are. These positive feelings also assist ‘the brain to be bought into entrainment with the heart.’ (2) This means the rhythm of the brain and heart are synchronised. This improves the health and wellbeing of the individual or group in which they are involved. It is also one of the reasons why circles are such a powerful vehicle for evolving intuitive and psychic gifts you may have as well as making you more aware so your life becomes easier and you can become more in rhythm with it.

The implications of the research discussed briefly here are massive. As we become more heart and love focused we influence our surroundings by raising the coherence of those around us. This has obvious implications in that if we raise our consciousness through coming from the heart we can affect our environments and communities where we work, live and play. Through focusing on coming from the heart we as an individual can create positive changes within our lives and the lives of those we interact with or are in the vicinity of. It is through us striving for intentional coherence of the heart and brain that the planetary shift we desire can occur. It is understanding with our whole being that we are love and the blueprint of endless possibilities is within us to bring out so we can consciously assist with this planetary shift and unity consciousness or awareness.

  1. The Power of the collective by John Halegin – internet – Shift- PoweroftheCollective.pdf
  2. Science of The Heart: Exploring the Role of the Heart in Human Performance

An Overview of Research Conducted by the Institute of HeartMath

Love is the Only Karma

Spirit is the source of all life and has always existed. It is infinite consciousness, constantly growing and extending itself.  Spirit created us to be expressions of it, so all souls come from spirit and all souls therefore must always have existed as spirit.  Spirit expresses itself as unconditional love for us; it is creative, joyful and knows only wholeness. Intellectually many of us accept that we are all one on a bigger spiritual level and that we are an expression of spirit, but find it hard to experience and understand with our whole be-ing, and to believe it on a practical physical, mental and emotional level.

Our individual karma is stored within our soul or akashic records. These records are of everything the soul has experienced since it was formed from the Divine blueprint of spirit, with all the physical and non-physical existences it has experienced.  These records are of our individual mental and emotional human expression. This human expression is what we often perceive as karma but actually are false beliefs we ourselves have set up through duality consciousness and through the energy we create and hold onto with our ‘stories’.  All stories and events that occur within our lives are neutral but the emotional energy we create around a story and hold tightly onto as we retell it, or own it creates discordant energies like self punishment and low self esteem.

This duality consciousness leads to a false belief in separation of ourselves from spirit and each other. This belief in separation is the source of all suffering. Love though is the only karma and there is no situation we experience or know of that enough love cannot heal.

As we move into a state of higher consciousness and vibration we need to look at duality within us and society and start to consciously move away from it.

Duality has dominated our society and consciousness for centuries and it is now time to transform it as it leads to discord within us, our families and communities. By duality we are talking about judgements and perceptions like good/bad, right/wrong and harmony/dis-harmony.

Duality is caused by us having false beliefs, perceptions, judgements on who we are and what we are capable of achieving. It is our smaller self or ego who tells us we are not good enough, that we cannot achieve our dreams and causes us to come from lower levels of consciousness where we experience emotions like anger, greed and fear. These emotions vibrate at a lot lower frequency than emotions like love, joy, peace and harmony. When we are in them we dis-like the world and ourselves and can easily slip into blame mode, being defensive and also into victim mentality. Physically our posture changes – we tend to slump; we have less energy; our facial features become less attractive; we can feel physically cold and fatigued; our aura collapses in and we quite literally often have a ‘dark cloud’ around us. All of this takes away our personal power as we are giving it away to others by not taking personal responsibility for everything that happens to us.

Our emotions, beliefs, perceptions and judgements create the reality of our lives which is reflected within the environment in which we live.

Love brings us to the understanding of oneness with spirit, of the universe – which in itself is an expression of spirit. We are spiritual beings within a physical body and love is the true expression of this. When we are coming from a place of unconditional love we feel among other things a deep sense of happiness, fulfilment, contentment and joy with ourselves, others and in our environment. If we accept love as the only true karma then we need to look at emotions that arise like unhappiness, anger, depression and see them as gifts from our shadow side from which we can learn and grow through dealing with them.

Fear is the opposite of love and is a misperception of being separate from spirit. This belief of separation is the cause of all suffering that we experience while in the physical world. Fear operates at low levels of consciousness and emotions like anger, greed and hate are fear based. Fear for example of being hurt, being wrong/wronged – anger; fear of not being as good as someone else (status), of having less than them – greed; fear can cause malice, active dislike – hate. Fear of being alone is one of the biggest and leads to feelings like isolation, of being different, of not belonging and of being left out. These emotions are illusions and delusions, coming from our own negative tendencies. This causes us unnecessary suffering due to false beliefs of not understanding the true magnificent power of who we are and therefore of who we are capable of being.

Being connected and connecting is one of the most fundamental human needs. We are naturally a very social species. As the saying goes ‘no man is an island’. We need to feel connected to others, to have a sense of belonging within our families, work, neighbourhood and communities. Feeling connected means we are heart based and coming from love. Love brings forth emotions and concepts like gratitude, compassion, courage, abundance and success. Feeling connected and love also means feelings like loss and grief will occur as friends and family die or move away. 

The key is to feel these emotions like loss and grief, embrace them, acknowledge them and pass through them but not to indulge in them, judge them and not to stay stuck within the story the loss creates. Feelings move through us like the weather moves where as e-motions are feelings in motion and that is when we keep re-telling a story making it bigger and bigger – therefore we stay in emotions. Indulging in these emotions lowers the vibration of our energy, causing feelings of isolation and loneliness as ‘no-one understands us’ and starts us on the vicious circle of expressing ourselves from separation consciousness.  

Relationships often break down when a key person such as a parent or child dies due to the grieving person choosing to stay within the ‘grief story’. This causes separation between a couple as the less affected partner feels locked out of the process and helpless. Both partners in this scenario choose to come from hurt and anger with each other rather than unconditional love – creating separation between them.

However we all know of stories [from the press] where a child has died due to violence yet the parents coming from a place of love, from their true spiritual selves, forgive the perpetrator. This means their lives are not dominated by bitterness, hatred, rage and revenge which is destructive towards themselves rather than the perpetrator of the violence. The perpetrator meanwhile is responsible for his/her actions and his/her responses to this.

Gandhi said ‘Be the change you want to see’. If you want to assist in creating a world of peace, where we respect one another and our environment  then we need to be that change, to ‘walk our talk’ and recognise that if we express the true essence of who we are then we will come from a place of love. Our consciousness will raise itself to a place where we can come from our greater self. As I tell my students we are all capable of becoming the next Ghandi or Mother Teresa.

Spirit allows us choice in how we express ourselves. We can choose to come from duality consciousness or to come from love and oneness and by doing so help to co-create a new higher consciousness within our world. 

Beyond the idea

Of good and evil

There is a field

I will meet you there


Accessing Angelic Consciousness

Angelic consciousness is becoming more accessible to us as our vibrational energy and general human consciousness moves higher. This is now the era of the angels and they can assist us to move closer to realising our divine, creative nature within our whole being. Angelic consciousness can lead us to understanding the concept of Oneness with our heart and soul. When we truly understand this we realise that angelic consciousness is not some external, outside force but that it can be accessed from deep within us. We are microcosms of the macrocosm of all that there is, including angels.  

Angels are frequently considered as other worldly, mythological light beings that belong to the three main monolithic religions i.e. Christianity, Judaism and Islam.  They are found within art, literature, architecture, geography and cinema which mean they have had a powerful influence in both the East and the West for centuries. Many people however, dismiss them as being anything other than an influential spiritual and religious ‘fairytale’ – something to bring comfort to those not strong enough to cope with life.

They appear to be far removed from our physical, solid reality with their wings, luminous quality and totally loving presence. There are however many reports of people meeting angels and of being assisted by them in times of need.

Angels are light beings of a high vibration which are as close to Creator as can be without being Creator in total pure essence. Creator can be read as God or Source, whichever you are more comfortable with.  Angels are therefore perceived by most of us as beings of light who are external to us and who may assist us if we ask them for help.

There is a common misconception that angels will not assist you unless you ask for their help due to us having free will. Angels will and frequently do assist without us asking but we have the free will to ignore their promptings and guidance. They are very clear about this to me. This is a different perception and one which makes more sense if you look at the history of angel interventions and visitations. For example Mary did not ask Archangel Gabriel to come down and inform her she had been chosen to have Jesus, the son of God. On a more modern note, guardian angels have been known to intervene in suicides – the person who is about to commit suicide is not generally asking angels for help.

Angels assist us in five areas of our life which are healing, protection, guidance, support and ‘Ascension’. Angels are traditionally known as ‘messengers of God’. They act as a high level conduit to assist you to be closer to Creator so you can start to experience who you truly are and what you are capable of, as a spiritual being living experientially in a physical body.

Every person without exception has two guardian angels. It is irrelevant what deeds they have done, whether the person believes in angels or not – they still have them. Our guardian angels hold the blueprint for our life and need us to work with them for their growth and ascension as well as for ours. If we work with them it will assist our development, help us to understand our soul purpose, expand our heart energy and assist us to reach unity consciousness. Due to angels close proximity to Creator – the closest any being can be, accessing their consciousness is one way towards raising your vibrational awareness.

Angels see only the perfection that exists within you, your divinity, your creative potential – they have no judgement, criticisms, beliefs about what you can and cannot achieve. The duality consciousness within our world of right/wrong, good/evil, you/me does not exist to them. They transcend this and we can learn to as well by aiming for unity consciousness.  Unity consciousness (Oneness) in a nutshell is about ‘we or us’ not ‘you or them’.

Oneness as a concept is difficult for many people to comprehend, especially in practical reality as against intellect – the last being a lot easier. It is easy to perceive ourselves as separate from our environment, our belongings, our partner, family, the local homeless person etc; Oneness or unity consciousness encompasses all of this and more as it includes all that there is in the universe that exists that we know of, and that we don’t know of. If all that is was an ocean, we would be an atom within a drop of water. (We would be a lot smaller but it is an easy analogy to understand). Every atom within the ocean is necessary for it to work as a whole. One does not imagine drops of water within the ocean deciding they want to go off and do their own thing – to be separate from the ocean. Separation is the root of all our suffering; that is our perception of separation from Creator, ourselves and others who are around us.  

Presently many people are having a great many challenges as their vibration rises. These challenges frequently throw up our shadow side, the side of us we do not like, which is often not so pleasant; but now we can look at it squarely, calmly and without judgement like the angels do. If we do this we realise these challenges are a gift for us to release negative aspects of ourselves and to raise our consciousness and awareness.  We can learn to love these aspects and transmute them.

When we come from oneness we are living our life in the moment, from a neutral central point, we are being, as against being lost in our stories. By stories I mean staying with past events, or thinking about the future constantly as worriers tend to do; or coming from that place of ‘you did this to me and therefore I am …’. This could be victim, warrior or one of many archetypes. I am by no means claiming I come from this place all the time or even a great majority of the time but like many of you I am striving for it.

Through communicating with your guardian angel, the archangels and other angels, such as healing angels, you will find this shift in consciousness and awareness easier as they are part of unity consciousness/oneness. They are therefore a part of you even if they have never lived a physical existence. To connect with them you can go inwards to go outwards. They come with love, joy and peace, and do not know any other way to communicate with you. Angel channelling’s are far more frequent now as earth’s and our vibrations rise. Our challenge is to work with this new energy, which promises the possibility one day of unity consciousness becoming common in the world in which we live, and which we need to reach if world peace is ever going to become a reality. Accessing angelic consciousness is one way for us to achieve this.